Helpful information for new, temporary and spareboard members.

The purpose of the collective agreeement is to protect the rights of all workers. CUPE 382 has endeavoured to do that, however temporary and spareboard employees are still not protected by all the provisions within our collective agreeement. Spareboard and temporary members should familiarize themselves with article 1.09 Temporary and Spareboard Terms and Conditions which outlines your entitlements. In our collective agreement there are separate clauses that describe temporary and spareboard member groups: article 1.05 and 1.06

Frequently asked questions:

  1. Should I apply for all job postings that I am interested in?

    The answer is usually yes, especially if it is an opportunity to get your first regular position. Eligibility for benefits begins when you complete your probationary period in a regular appointment. Additionally, your seniority accrues for the purpose of applying for other postings. Article 15.04 Temporary and Spareboard Seniority


  2. What do I pay my union dues for?

    As a member of a union dues are paid to finance the administration of union business. The work of the union can be understood by reading your local bylaws.


  3. How do I get my copy of the bylaws and collective agreement?

    Members can read an online copy on this website or you can obtain a print version by contacting an executive member by phone, email, or attending a monthly general meeting.


  4. Is it true that temporary and spareboard members are eligible for bereavement leave?

    You may be eligible provided you would have worked on those days. Article 24.04 (iii)


  5. What does "getting sworn in" mean?

    It means that you will take the oath of membership and agree to abide by CUPE's constituion and bylaws and that the union is your bargaining agent. You are "sworn in" at the first monthly general meeting that you attend.


  6. Are spareboard and temporary members entitled to vacation and statutory holidays pay?

    These are benefits covered by an additional 11% of gross earnings on each pay cheque in lieu of benefits provided by the collective agreement. Article 1.09 Temporary and Spareboard Terms and Conditions.



CUPE 382

112-3550 Saanich Road

Victoria, BC V8X 1X2

Phone: 250.384.0276

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